[Storage-research-list] CFP - IEEE Archive LifeCycle Workshop

Bob Coyne Jr coyne at us.ibm.com
Mon May 14 19:05:56 EDT 2007

[Apologies if you receive this invitation more than once]

September 24, San Diego, California, USA

Archival Storage Life Cycle Management

A Workshop at the Twenty-Fourth
IEEE Conference on Mass Storage Systems and Technologies

Workshop Description

The one-day workshop will examine the issues and approaches to providing
data stewardship in very large data environments where copying all the data
from one generation system to another is not feasible.

There are multiple technical, policy, legal and other related life cycle
matters that affect data stewardship.  Examples are: media aging and
reliability characteristics; evolution over time of file system and archive
software; standards; government initiatives, programs contracting trends;
laws that affect retention management; security policies and technology;
and the general evolution of storage technology.  These matters will be
discussed and expanded in terms of importance and difficulty, and the
solution space will be qualified where time and agreement allow.

The effort is intended to be a vendor-neutral exercise.

The workshop will take place on Monday, September 24, 2007, the day before
the beginning of general sessions of the IEEE Mass Storage Systems and
Technology Conference MSST2007.  See the conference web site:

A short white paper is requested from each participant in the workshop, as
described below.  The white papers will be correlated before the workshop
to create a framework for considering approaches and possible solutions.

The workshop will generate a report to be published by the IEEE Computer
Society Press with a list of participants included, and a summary of the
report will be presented during the conference.

How to Participate

Send email requesting participation to: archivestorage at ieee.org

Participants are asked to submit white papers by June 24, 2007.  The white
paper will be based on experience, analysis, or solid theoretical work and
will relate to the workshop problem or an aspect of the problem.  Papers
should be about one page in length, or two if there are diagrams, written
in a format that can be rendered by MS Word.

Depending on the number of responses, the workshop committee may take the
papers into consideration in the selection of participants.  Participants
will be notified by e-mail no later than July 24.

This is to be a group effort, and all contributions, spoken or written,
become property of the IEEE and may be used in IEEE workshop reports
without specific attribution.

Workshop Program Committee

Bob Coyne, IBM Software Group
Dick Watson, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Hariett Coverston, Sun Microsystems
Reagan Moore, San Diego Supercomputer Center
Paul Rutherford, Isilon Systems
Harry Hulen, IBM Global Business Services

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