[SIGBOVIK] Enter Paperdrive
SIGBOVIK Announcements
sigbovik-announce at lists.andrew.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 17 12:25:08 EDT 2014
Esteemed researchers,
The Committee on Deadline Extensions and Other Research Fantasies, which
previously issued a report revising the submission deadline, previously
believed to be March 7, to March 16, has more exciting research to
announce. We have just learned that the submission deadline can be
extended two additional days, to Tuesday, March 18, by entering the
so-called paperdrive. Reaching paperdrive is not easy, but we believe it
to be possible with a sufficient mass of people and careful addition of
tea. This experiment will be performed at 4:30 this afternoon in the GHC
6th floor commons, so don't miss it!
TS;DR (Too Silly; Didn't Read): New paper deadline is tomorrow. To
encourage submissions, we're having a last-minute paper drive. Come to
tea today to chat and work on projects.
Lee Daniels' The SIGBOVIK 2014 PC
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