[SCA-Dance] Some images from MSEng 1356

Aaron Macks upelluri at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 22:44:56 EDT 2010

I do not know of how much use it will be, but there's a 17th C
handwriting manual available online
Might help if you are not familiar with 17th C letterforms.  Cross
reference that with a table (sadly low res) of letterforms found in
Parish registers
(http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~genepool/oldalpha.htm ) and you might
be able to pin down even the strange and distorted letters


On 4/13/10 10:08 PM, Greg Lindahl wrote:
> I'm not finding it hard to read at all. At first glance it was one of
> those nasty Elizabethan hands, but actually it's just a bit more
> ornate than the usual easy-to-read 17th century hand.
> The weirdest letters are k and D. Abbreviations are fairly minimal.
> In the transcription below, (?) means I'm unsure about the previous,
> and ? (no parens) means I'm unsure about 1 letter.
> I don't think it would be much effort at all to get the whole thing
> done. This is just 15 minutes of effort. Really, it's more work
> to get the images!
> -- Gregory
> [image 6]
> [squiggle]
> Sides all, @ y^e same agayne, @ foetheyd(?)
> ?ime, @ if you please each doe his
> part;
> The mill?ing Bayle;
> for 6: or 8:,
> Lead up, @ sett, that againe, @ then
> all the woe?men standing still, y^e man
> sett each to his mayde, and then
> having sett, y^e woemen dance y^e Hay
> till the end of the turne, @ then y^e
> woemen being in their places shall
> sett to their man, they standing still,
> after they have sett; the men daunced
> the Hay as affore sayd;
> [squiggle]
> Sides all, @ sett, that agayne, @ the
> the men standing still ?he woemen
> [image 7]
> The mil??ing Bayle;
> sett first, @ then the men daunce ??
> Hay first, like as y^e woemen did before,
> and then the men sett as before sayd, and(?)
> then the woemen daunce y^e Hay;
> [squiggle]
> Halfe turne, @ sett, that agayne, and
> then lile(?) as before;
> [squiggle]
> 5: The highway to Westminster;
> only for 8;
> [...]
> [image 9]
> [...]
> 6: Ladyes D(?)iller, for as many
> as you please
> [symbol]
> Leade up, @ sett once, or twice; after
> that, all men come downewards @ woemen(?)
> goe upwards, soe as they stood before
> in length of the roome, they shall
> stand then in the fread?h, or over=
> brert(??) y^e roome, @ then having s??? up=
> wardes, soe as before sayd, they shall all
> sett once, @ after that, they shall
> change places @ then set againe, and
> then he that leades the dance, shall
> take his woeman by y^e left h and,
> leade her throw all the rest ???
> ward, all y^e rest follow(?) ????
> shall leade about soe ????
> right ????
> [image 10]
> Ladyes D(?)iller;
> ??? then sides all twice, @ sett twice
> and then, the woemen come up=
> wardes, @ the men doe goe down=
> wardes, contrary to that afforesed,
> and then chainge places againe
> as before, and then sett; then
> the woeman takes y^e man by y^e
> right hand, @ leads him toward
> the right, @ all following, and
> soe they shall come into their
> places agayne;
> [squiggle]
> Doe y^e first over agayne.
> [squiggle]
> The cherping of the
> Nightingall, for 6: or 8
> [squiggle]
> Leade up twice, and sett twice,
> then all the rest standing still
> ????????????????????? to his
> [image 11]
> The cherpring of y^e Nightingale,(?)
> owne woeman, and then, turneth y^e(?)
> third, and then the 4: and if there
> be byt six, then having sett to the
> 2 first woemen, he shall turne y^e
> third, and ???e her up softly to
> top, @ there turne her agayne,
> and then leade up againe, but if
> 8 as above sayd, he shall leade
> up the 4^th woman as fast as he can
> and then lead up agayne, @ sett
> 2 times, @ soe sett to the 2 first,
> and turne the other, or to the
> 2 last if there be 4: @ that soe
> oft till he comes to his place a
> gaine, and the(?)n leade of, @ the ??
> may doe that li??e if. they pl???
> [image 12]
> man shall crosse downwardes, in y^e
> ????e, and change places with y^e
> last woeman, @ then the last
> man shall change places just soe
> with y^e first woeman, after that y^e
> 4 y^t are in y^e midle, shall take right
> hands, @ runne round, @ then backe
> agayne, @ then y^e afforesayd last man
> being at(?) the top shall fall downe
> agayne as before, w^th y^e first woeman,
> @ soe y^e other into their places;
> [symbol]
> The same backwards; after sides, the
> last man, @ y^e first woman shall
> change, @ then as before y^e first man,
> @ the last woeman, @ then y^e foure
> midlemost runne rounde as before
> [symbol]
> Doe the first part agayne, and
> if y^e(?) please, each doe his part;
> [symbol]
> [image 13]
> 9: The Gipsys for 6: or 8:
> [...]
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Aaron Macks(aaronm at wiglaf.org) [http://www.wiglaf.org/~aaronm ]
My sheep has seven gall bladders, that makes me the King of the Universe!

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