There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Baronial Election Procedures and Policies<br />Posted by: Muirgheal Inghean Dubhghaill<br /><br />
Greetings Noble Populace, Their Excellencies have called for elections and with this comes a few housekeeping items before our election process begins.
After many months, The Debatablelands has expanded our borders to include new territory and those members of the Society that were in lands held by The Crown. The current list of zip codes is located at If you do not live within these zip codes, there are provisions for requesting a ballot in our policies.
Additionally, we ask you to review our policies and process; located at ; you will find our election process under Section VII.
The Office of The Baronage may be either one individual or two individuals as a single nomination. If two people make up a candidate pair; their gender and relation to each other are not of import. Every candidate or candidate pair must meet the following requirements:
“The territorial Baron and/or Baroness (hereafter referred to as Baron/ess) must meet the requirements stated in Corpora and Kingdom Law, be 18 years of age or older as of the day the votes are to be tallied, and must be a resident in the territory of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands. The Office of Baron/ess of the Debatable Lands is not subject to a term limit.”
All nominated persons will have one months’ time in which to accept or decline nomination.
The Selection Committee responsible for overseeing the Election is in the process of formation and formal nominations will begin once the Chairperson has been chosen from the members of the Selection Committee. In accordance with our policies, the Selection Committee will consist of the following officers: Baronage, Seneschal, Herald, Knight Marshal & Arts and Science. Alternatives: Exchequer, Chronicler. If they should need to recuse themselves the next officer will accept in order of Office Precedence as found in Corpora.
The name of the Chairperson and the Officers serving on the Selection Committee will be provided to the Barony within the next week. The contact information for the Chairperson will be delivered at that time. All Nominations must be in writing according to the policies.
Please feel free to reach out with questions to Their Excellencies or to The Seneschal. In Service,Baron Brandubh O’Donnghaile and Baroness Hilderun HugelmannBaroness Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill, Debatablelands Seneschal
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