There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Save the Date: July 10th - Barony Meeting with Garb & Gear Swap! And Martial Practices (NEW location)<br />Posted by: Hilderun Hugelman<br /><br />
Salve accolens! Hello Debatable Lands!
Save the date! Sunday, July 10th will be an in-person Barony Meeting, held in conjunction with our normal martial practices.
Since parking is an issue at the normal site, the July 10th practices and Barony Social Meeting will not be held at our normal site near the zoo. Instead, Lady Jasmine is opening her fields to us. Address is 240 Myers Ln, Allison Park 15101.
Also, Baroness Constance is holding the annual Garb and Gear Giveaway/Exchange! Please go through your old garb, camping gear, sewing supplies, sca bits and bobs, etc, and bring them to the July meeting. If you have things to donate but can't make it, she can arrange to pick them up. Thank you, everyone!!
This is an SCA function, so Covid precautions apply.
More info closer to the day. See you there!
In Levitate et Caritate
~Baroness Hilda
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