There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Arts and Sciences Practice - Sunday!<br />Posted by: Arts and Sciences Minister<br /><br />
Let's have another Arts and Sciences "practice" this Sunday (June 6th) from 10am to 1:30pm at the Washington Boulevard site. A&S will be over on the "Small Field" side closer to the river. We will finish up promptly by 1:30pm to make room for afternoon practices.
The theme of this gathering is "making progress". Please bring a project you are working on now, or that has been on the back burner for a while. We'll chat and enjoy being out in the (I hope) sunshine while we make progress together.
Attendance is limited to 25 people, and masks are required. We will give everybody the distance they need to be comfortable, so please bring your own seating, water, food, and shade if you desire it. Please note that the parking lot is smaller than it was, and be considerate of others.
Salve Accolens and see you Sunday!
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