There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />DEMO UPDATE<br />Posted by: Gwendolyn the Graceful<br /><br />Read now the words of Lady Zianna:<br /><br />OYEZ!!! OYEZ!!!<br /><br />Good gentles of our great Barony and beyond – I, Lady Zianna, bring you glorious updates on the demo coming up this Friday.<br /><br />Yes, it's this Friday from 6p.m. – 10p.m. at the Carnegie Science Center (1 Allegheny Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15212).<br /><br />Come and spend the evening showing off your skills, talents, and interests to over 400 people. That's right: there have been over 400 tickets presold for the event, and there could be as many as 2,000. If you come dressed in garb and go through the secret entrance, you get in and park for FREE!!!<br /><br />We need YOU! Below are just some of the scheduled events for the evening. We need more people to make our village come alive!<br /><br />Their Excellencies will be greeted by all the guests as they enter the gates of the village. There will be a photo opportunity for guests to sit on the thrones. Can you retain for Their Excellencies? Can you guard this area to keep them safe? Please contact me to help out.<br /><br />MARTIAL ACTIVITIES<br /><br />Heavy Fighters - beginners to Knights – we have some great fighting areas at this event!<br />We have a river/submarine view that will have one, if not two, lists set up for bouts and education. Get boasted into a bout by a herald – we will have them!<br />There are two 20-minute demo slots in the Works Theater, at 6:30 and 8:30. We need volunteers for the demos!!! This is such a cool place to demo, in the round and with the spotlight on you!<br />Weather permitting: give the visitors a glimpse of your skills right outside of the entrance doors! Feel free to sit at a table and work on armor or weapons – we will have spots all over the venue.<br /><br />Fencers – Oh my! We have a balcony with two lists for you to duel in. You will be visible from three floors on this great balcony!<br />Our neighbo!
rs from Silva Vulcani are joining our forces this great evening. Vivant! Come and test your blades against theirs.<br />We have a 20-minute demo slot in the Works Theater at 7:30 that we need volunteers to help with.<br />You, too, can be outside as the visitors enter, should the weather permit.<br /><br />A ballista and trebuchet will be guarding the entrance to our great village. Siege engineers, and those interested in siege, keep watch for a shift, and teach the visitors about these forms of combat!<br /><br />Speaking of combat…. Calling all combat archers! If you can be there, we need protection!!<br /><br />Join the archery and thrown weapons display. Need to sharpen those axes or repair those arrows? We have the space and this area will also be visible from all floors of the venue.<br /><br />Jousting, anyone? Our great equestrians will be out in force! They will be slaying some silly “Bouncy Jousting” enemies. Come and cheer them on!<br /><br />ARTS AND SCIENCES<br /><br />We have an entire floor dedicated to Arts and Sciences. We have a lot more space to be filled!<br />There will be appearances by the Great Wheel and the Printing Press. We have knitting, weaving, embroidery, and calligraphy for the start of a great arts circle.<br /><br />Have a project you are working on? Bring it! Sit by the windows or by the fighting or in the theaters. We all need a few extra hours to work on a project!<br /><br />I would love to have an illumination display! Who can make this happen??<br /><br />Brewers: we will have the bar set up for you. Bring your best to let our visitors sample them. Remember there are already 400 tickets sold. A few good gentles unable to join us have arranged to have their product transported to the venue, but we need more!<br /><br />Music! We need music! If there was ever a space for loud band, it's here! Stroll the halls – sit by the tavern – did I mention there are several stages?<br /><br />Bards, Dancers, and Drummers--OH MY! Tell a story from a balcony – stroll !
about, si!
nging your favorites. Demonstrate a dance under the leadership of THL sionn the lost. Perform on a stage. Do one or more or all of the above! Members of the choir will be there to sing a few selections, as well.<br /><br />Heralds, HELP!! We are going to have announcements to make all night long. Please contact me if you are available to be a roving or stationed herald.<br /><br />BRING YOUR BANNERS! We want to see your heraldry! There are places for them to be hung – there are places for them to stand.<br /><br />As you can see, this is a major exposure opportunity for the region, so the more participation we can get, the better. Again it's this Friday from 6p.m. – 10p.m. at the Carnegie Science Center.<br /><br />If you are on my list already, the secret entrance location will be given to you posthaste. Remember, you need to come in this way or you will not get in free.<br /><br />If you have other questions, or need to be added to my list to learn the secret entrance location, please contact me:<br /><br />ziannaevents at gmail dot com or Lady Zianna on Facebook.<br /><br />Special Announcement coming soon....<br /><br />-Lady Zianna<br /><br />(Posted by<br />Gwendolyn the Graceful, Brehyres, OL)<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see or comment on this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />