There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />Court Report for BMDL Twelfthnight<br />Posted by: Kieran MacRae<br /><br />Greetings from your Comet Pursuivant!<br />Here beings the court report of Brandubh and Hilderun, Baron and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, at BMDL Twelfthnight, January 13, AS 52.<br /><br />Their Excellencies bid everybody welcome to another Twelfthnight, and appreciated the populace's attendance for the unusual afternoon court.<br /><br />The Royal Livery Company was invited to come before Their Excellencies to be recognized for their skills and achievements in "Death From Above!" at War Practice and Pennsic. For this the Company was awarded an Iron Comet. Scroll by Lady Alysoun of the Debatable Lands, with words by His Excellency Brandubh.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called forth Master Emrys Eustace called Broom and praised his organizational service to the Baronial encampment at Pennsic, and awarded him a Gold Comet. Scroll illumination by Lady Rivka bat Daniyel, calligraphy by Lady Ceindrech verch Elidir.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called Traygor Greypanther to approach them, but he was not in attendance.<br /><br />Their Excellencies then called Jasmine of Clan Tarn to approach them, and presented her with a Gold Comet for her service as new youth marshal and her efforts to the youth fighting community. Scroll by Nicola Beese.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called Raven Whitehart before them to thank her for her service to the BMDL by teaching classes, creating beautiful scrolls, and general helpfulness. They awarded her a Comettus Amicus in recognition, and made her a friend of the Barony. Scroll by Mistress Antoinette de la Croix.<br /><br />Maighster Uilliam mac an t'Saoir was instructed to approach Their Excellencies, who recalled his feats of prowess on the fields of battle, both as army commander and in the single lysts. He was thusly awarded an Iron Comet, with scroll by Lady Ceindrech verch Elidir.<br /><br />Their Excellencies invited Sumayya al !
Ghaziyah to approach them, and recounted all that she has done for the Barony: Chronicler, A&S coordinator for the St. Crispins A&S competition, coordinator for kingdom largess, and leatherworker's guild mistress. For all this, she was awarded a Gold Comet. Scroll forthcoming by Lady Rivka bat Daniyel.<br /><br />Sile inghean Chein was next called before Their Excellencies, and they proclaimed how impressed they were to see her have tried nearly all martial forms in the Barony, including heavy weapons, combat archery, equestrian, traditional archery, and thrown weapons. They presented her with an Iron Comet for such deeds. Scroll wording and illumination by Master Alaric MacConnal, calligraphy by THL Rachel Daliceaux.<br /><br />Their Excellencies then desired to see Gesa von Wellenstein before them. They pointed out the previous equestrian activities in the BMDL- none. For starting the equestrian activities in our Barony she was awarded a Gold Comet. Scroll illuminated by Meesteres Odriana vander Brugghe and calligraphy by Maighster Kieran MacRae.<br /><br />His Excellency proclaimed that his cup was empty, and called THL Madoc Arundel to be brought from the bar downstairs to address this issue.<br /><br />Rachel Daliceaux was then called before Their Excellencies, much to her confusion, and proclaimed the challenges of planning to recognize their Baronial Signet when she was still in the room for court prep! But for Rachel's beautiful voice and scribal skills, she was awarded a Silver Comet. Scroll words and illumination by Master Alaric MacConnal, calligraphy by Lady Ceindrich verch Elidir.<br /><br />Once Madoc Arundel surfaced to the gathered populace, Their Excellencies called him forward, not just to fill their glasses, but to praise him for his dedication in bringing such fine ales and spirits (and means of serving them!) year after year to the Barony's Twelfthnight celebration, and awarded him a Comettus Amicus, making him a friend of the Barony for such deeds. Scroll illuminated by M!
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Odriana vander Brugghe, calligraphy by Maighster Kieran MacRae.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called all scribes and wordsmiths who contributed to the scrolls that went out this day to attend them, that they may receive tokens of appreciation.<br /><br />Just before the Court of Their Excellencies was to be suspended, members of I Genesii approached and went on about some kind of 'magic trick', about some kind of 'disappearing', which sounded most suspicious. A sheet was raised in front of Their Excellencies, incantations were uttered, and somehow Their Excellencies Uilliam and Constance were sitting on the thrones, replacing Brandubh and Hilderun!! Apparently this was not according to plans, and the sheet was once again raised, more babbling happened, and when the sheet lowered, there were... was I hallucinating??... Lord Robert MacEwan of Thornhill and Lady Alethea Cowle??... In the seats of Their Excellencies?... as Lord and Lady of Misrule?!? Feeling faint, I quickly suspended this Court of Their Excellencies before I lost control of any more of my senses.<br /><br />In the evening Their Majesties Gareth and Juliana gave leave to re-open the Court of Their Excellencies.<br /><br />Their Excellencies called forth current Bardic Champion, THL Silence de Cherbourg, regarding the afternoon's Baronial Bardic Competition. Silence called forth the two finalists, THL Pavel Dudoladov and Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope, and announced Arianna the winner and new Bardic champion, with Pavel to serve as second at the next Seven Pearls event. Award scroll began by an unknown scribe, illumination finished by Mistress Arianna, and calligraphy by THL Rachel Daliceaux.<br /><br />Their Excellencies then called forth their current A&S Champion, Lady Bugga Bilibit, to report on the day's Baronial A&S competition. The entries were wondrous all around this year, and the two finalists called forward were Mistress Fredeburg von Katzenellenbogen and THL Lucetta di Cosima, and announced Fredeberg the winner, and Luc!
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erve as second at the next Seven Pearls event. Scroll by Lady Alysoun of the Debatable Lands.<br /><br />There being no further business, the Court of Their Excellencies was closed.<br /><br />Report submitted by Kieran MacRae, Comet Pursuivant.<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />