There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />News from 20th Year & Crown Tourney<br /><br />Congratulations to Debatable Landers who had a remarkable weekend!<br /><br />To Prince Sven and Princess Siobhan, new Heirs to the Sylvan Throne!<br /><br />To Mistress Constance on her elevation to the Order of the Pelican.<br />To Mistress Graihne, on her writ to contemplate induction in the to Order of the Laurel, to be held at Debatable Lands 12th Night in January.<br />To Duke Malcolm, finalist in Crown Tourney, and new holder of the Shield of Chivalry.<br /><br />To THL Muirgheal for masterminding and executing a truly incredible weekend for the people of this fine Kingdom! And her staff, who worked so hard and created so much joy for us all.<br /><br />There are more thanks to come, of course, from every corner of the Barony. This was only a small bit of the revelry this weekend . You all worked hard, with smiles and generosity. You are truly the Jewel of AEthelmearc, and of the Knowne World.<br /><br />Vivant!<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />