<div dir="ltr"><div>Noble Cousins, I bid you greetings and extend an invitation to celebrate the Birth of our Kingdom and the choosing of our next Heirs.<br></div><br><div><div><div><div><div>The Celebration of Æthlemearc‘s Twentieth
Anniversary and Fall Crown Tournament will be held on the 7th of October 2017 at All Saints Camp
(110 All Saints Rd, Emlenton, PA 16373). The
Autocrats are THL Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill (Heather H. Cogan, 111
Mulberry Street, Coraopolis, PA 15108; <a href="mailto:muirgheall@gmail.com">muirgheall@gmail.com</a>
724-683-7558) and Lady Elena de la Palma (Dawn Sauer, 626 Galen Drive,
State College,PA 16803; <a href="mailto:elenadelapalma@gmail.com">elenadelapalma@gmail.com</a>); a fantastic lunch
will be prepared by Mistress Illadore de Bedagrayne (<span class="gmail-_5yl5"><span><a href="mailto:Rani23@gmail.com">Rani23@gmail.com</a>)</span></span>; and a sumptuous
feast will be prepared by THL Ottilige van Rappoltsweiler (<a href="mailto:ottilige@rocketmail.com">ottilige@rocketmail.com</a>). <br></div><div><br></div><div>Activities will include Our Crown Tournament, an arts and science display, equestrian, fencing, a grand ball, archery, a history display, thrown weapons, a heraldic consult table, youth fighting, a bardic circle, a heavy weapon's torchlight tournament, a choir performance, atl-atl, brewers playtime, and cut and thrust! Not to mention the food!</div><div><br></div><div>Site is Wet. Service Animals only, please. Open flame is approved.</div><div><p>The Adult Event Registration will be $21.00.<br>
Adult Member Discount Event Registration will be $16.00.<br>
Children 0-5 Free; age 6-17 free.<br>
A lavish Saturday lunch is included in the event registration.<br>
Feast is an additional $10.00 per person, all ages.</p><p>Last day to Pre-Register is September 23, 2017.</p>
<p>Cabin space is limited to 100 people and will be first come first
serve; reservation for this will be $5.00/adult per night, all youth
ages 0-17 free.<br>
Tent camping is available and free to all. All reservations can be sent to THL Hara Kikumatsu (<a href="mailto:sbooth@sbooth.net">sbooth@sbooth.net</a>).<br></p>
<p>Make checks payable to SCA PA, Inc. – Debatable Lands.<br>
The Head Tollner for this event is THL Hara Kikumatsu
(<a href="mailto:sbooth@sbooth.net">sbooth@sbooth.net</a>). Send all pre-registrations to her at Sharon Booth, 1105
Shady Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15232.</p><p><br></p><p></p><p>Find more information here: <a href="http://debatablelands.org/events/we-are-the-escarbuncle/">http://debatablelands.org/events/we-are-the-escarbuncle/</a></p><br>-- <br><div class="gmail_signature"><div dir="ltr"><div>Yours in Service,<br>THL Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill<br>mka Heather H. Cogan<br></div><div><br><i>Cuimnig ar do geallamnaca</i></div></div></div>