There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!<br /><br />An Update on the Scrolls for Ansteorra Project<br /><br /><br /><br />From the Kingdom Signet, Mistress Antoinette:<br /><br />Good evening Aethelmearc! Just an update on the Ansteorra scroll project. I have been in communication with the King and Signet of Ansteorra today. They do NOT use scroll blanks, they have a different tradition than Aethelmearc- they use a preprint Charter system and therefore have no use for our blank scrolls. However, what would be helpful is this - a fund is being set up with John Neal Bookseller so that anyone can make a donation, via a gift certificate and it will be sent to the Signet in Ansteorra to purchase supplies and materials to repair, recreate scrolls and to replace damaged scribal supplies. I am in the process of making final arrangements with John Neal and will let everyone know when they can go to that site and donate.<br />Thank you! Our Kingdom's generosity is overwhelming. The next time you see THL Peggy Máirghréad Wilcox- give her a hug, she got this ball rolling!<br /><br />-----<br /><br />To see this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:<br><img src="" width="1" height="1" />