<div dir="ltr"><div class="gmail_default" style="font-size:small"><span class="gmail-_4n-j gmail-fsl">It's time for our annual Harvest Revel and
November Barony Meeting! Come on down to the Baron and Baroness's Castle (</span><span class="gmail-_4n-j gmail-fsl"><span class="gmail-_5xhk" id="gmail-u_jsonp_10_h">755 Stonegate Dr, Wexford, PA 15090-7593)</span>
on Sunday, November 13th, in Wexford for fighting, fencing, arching,
throwing, pumpkin-flinging, and PIE!!<br> <br> Archery and Thrown
Weapons will begin at 11am and end at 1:15pm-ish. They will be followed
by a few short announcements to the assembled at 1:30pm. Fighting and
fencing will be begin after that, around 2pm.<br> <br> You know you've been waiting for it all year, and here it is again! Our annual PIE CONTEST! <br> <br>
Bring a Pie to compete, and and make sure to cut it into small pieces,
because the winner is Populace Choice! There will be a winner in each of
the 3 categories: Sweet, Savory, and Period. Ev<span class="gmail-text_exposed_show">ery attendee gets three tokens to vote for their favorite.<br> <br>
And in case you've never enjoyed the Debatable Lands' Pie Contest
before, the definitions of "pie" are... well... fairly debatable. Wanna
enter cookies? Sure, they're crust-less mini pies! How about a pumpkin
roll? Spatially challenged pie! A roast? Proto-beef-pie. Your only
limitation is your imagination! <br> <br> The prize? GLORY! Of course.
You get Best Pie bragging rights for the WHOLE Year! And probably a
little something else we dig up.<br> <br> The perfect end to our perfect
day will be the annual PUMPKIN FLING from the ramparts of the castle!
Bring a pumpkin and fling it (but no rotten ones, please).</span></span></div></div>