<div dir="ltr">Greetings good populace of the Debatable Lands!<div><br></div><div>As the November 8th, 2015 Barony Meeting and Harvest Revel draws nearer, please remember to mail your ballots if you have not already done so (you may also bring them in person to the start of the Barony Meeting (approximately 1:30pm - see <a href="http://www.debatablelands.org">www.debatablelands.org</a> for the planned schedule). If you are mailing your ballot it must arrive no later than Saturday, November 7th, so please allow enough time.</div><div><br></div><div>In Service,</div><div><br></div><div>Alaric</div><div>Seneschal<br>Debatable Lands</div></div>