<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div><div>Here
contained is the report of the court of Uilliam and Constance, baron
and baroness of the Debatable Lands, at Steltonwald Twelfth
Night 25 January AS 48, Jorundr hinn Rotinn, Comet
Pursuivant, reporting herald.<br><br></div><div>Their Excellencies wished to thank those gathered for this celebration, and to wish them well.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Lady
Teresa Alvarez was invited into Their Excellencies' court as she wished
to address the populace as autocrat. She wished all present to eat
drink and be merry. Their Excellencies had further business with Teresa
however. They had noticed that Teresa had been busy in the Canton of
Steltonwald. She had served as autocrat, tollner and chatelaine. This is
the kind of action that pleases Their Excellencies, and so They were
moved to award her a Gold Comet. Scroll Calligraphed by Rachel Dalicieux with illumination by Alaric MacConnal.<br><br></div><div>Their
Excellencies next called Maestro Jacopo di Niccollo to attend Them.
Jocopo has long been a supporter of the barony and the canton. He has
trained archery marshals, run archery practices, autocrated events, and
helped fill in the blanks wherever they were found. This pleased Their
Excellencies so They were moved to induct him into Their Order of
Copernicus. The scroll is by Countess Aidan ni Leir.<br><br></div><div>Their Excellencies wished all to have a good time with the rest of Their evening.<br><br></div><div>Court Closed.<br></div></div></div></div></div></div>