.hmmessage P
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<body class='hmmessage'><div dir='ltr'>Hello! Here's your last reminder!<br><br><span itemprop="description"><span class="fsl">The Baronial Party and Court at Pennsic is Sunday, July 28th, at Pennsic, in Aethelmearc Royal (near Chirurgeons) at 5pm.<br> <br>
For those attending Pennsic, please join your Barony for our annual
Reception and Baronial Court with Their Excellencies Liam and Constance.<br> <br> Food is free. Friends are priceless!<br> <br>
A light supper is provided (see below), and water. Our host for the evening is Lady
Isabel Fleuretan. She welcomes all donations of food or drink,
especially desserts, as well as offers to help set up (4pm) and clean up
(8pm).<br> <br> The Barony doesn't serve alcoholic beverages per Corporate policy, but I have it on good authority that there may be some individuals bringing things to share. BYOB!<br> <br> Baronial Court will be around 6pm.</span></span><br><br>From Lady Isabel:<br>A preview of the menu (subject to change, of course!): Beet salad, Ham, Black Bean Salad, Bacon Stuffed Tomatoes, Baked
Vegetarian Torta, Lemon Garlic Chicken Bites, Roasted Pepper Mint Wraps,
Bread and spread, Veggies, Pesto Pasta Salad, Brownies, Fruit.<span class="messageBody" data-ft="{"type":3}"><span class="userContent"><br>We would still Greatly appreciate anyone that would be willing to donate to the spread, especially in the dessert category!<br><br>See you there!<br></span></span>In Levitate et Caritate,<BR>~Hilda, Seneschale<br><BR><br> </div></body>