Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot, but he’ll remember with
advantages what feats he did that day: then shall our names. familiar in
his mouth as household words Garraed the Director, Isabeau and Martin, John the Bearkiller and Denise Duvalier, Margaret and Maximilian, be in their flowing cups
freshly remember’d. This story shall the good man teach his son; and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception shall ne’er go by, from this day to the ending of the
world, but we in it shall be remember’d; we few, we happy few, we band
of brothers (and sisters!); For he a month or two ago that cast his (or her) vote with me shall be my
brother (or sister); be he (or she) ne’er so vile, this day shall gentle his or her condition: And
gentle folk in college who have not yet joined Shall think themselves accursed they were
not here, and hold their manhoods (or womanhoods) cheap whiles any speaks that fought
with us upon the Immaculate Conception.<br><br>And Immaculate it is indeed.<br><br>> "Motion by Tim Jennings to approve the following change to Corpora IV.B.1, effective immediately:<br>><br>> Each competitor in a Royal List must be fighting for a prospective consort of the opposite sex unless the Crown has elected to permit a competitor to fight for a prospective consort of the same sex.... Motion carried.<br>
><br>> Crowns now have the ability to accept entrance into their Lists by any and all pairs acceptable to the Crown...."<br>...<br>
> Seconded by Lisa May. Â In favor: Mark Faulcon, John Fulton, Denise
Hundley, Tim Jennings, Lisa May, Max Nelson. Â Opposed: None. Â Chairman
Leslie Vaughn exercised her option to vote and did so in favor of the
motion. Â Motion carried.<br>
> Crowns now have the ability to accept entrance into their Lists by
any and all pairs acceptable to the Crown. Â As the saying goes, "With
great power comes great responsibility."Â With this change, the Board
places its trust in the Crowns, both current and future, to use this
tool in a manner that best meets not only the wants and the needs of
Their kingdoms and populace, but the Society as a whole.<br>
> Yours in Service,<br>
> The Board of Directors<br>
> Leslie Vaughn, Chairman<br>
> Baronessa Isabeau della Farfalla (OP)<br>
> Mark Faulcon, Vice Chairman<br>
> Duke Martin Lochner (KSCA, OP)<br>
> John Fulton, Director<br>
> Duke John the Bearkiller (KSCA, OP)<br>
> Denise Hundley, Director<br>
> Countess Denise Duvalier (OP)<br>
> Tim Jennings, Director<br>
> Garraed Galbraith (OL)<br>
> Lisa May, Director<br>
> Countess Margaret ni Conner (OP)<br>
> Max Nelson, Director<br>
> Baron Maximilian Von Halstern<br><br><br>' |  Broom       IAmBroom @ gmail . com<br>' |  cellphone:            412-389-1997<br>' |  923 Haslage Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212<br>' |  "Discere et docere", which means:<br>
' |Â Â "One experiment revealed that Meissner corpuscles - touch<br>' |Â Â receptors that are concentrated in the fingertips and palms, lips<br>'\|/Â and tongue, nipples, penis and clitoris - respond to a pressure<br>
'/|\Â of just 20 milligrams, the weight of a fly." <br>//|\\ - Sean Markey, Discover magazine<br>