<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;">Greetings all --<br><br>Join us this Sunday, August 26, at the Washington Blvd practice site to start breaking in our new loaner gear! We will be setting up the range at 11 AM, all hands are welcome to make the work lighter.<br><br>The range will stay open later than usual to give everyone sufficient time to try out their new Pennsic purchases. In case you forgot to buy replacement handles, I still have a few left for $4.50 each.<br><br>Directions and stuff are here: http://debatablelands.org/activities/thrown-weapons.html<br><br>Your MIC will be Elss, ably assisted by Elsa. No promises, but there might be atl-atl and spears too!<br><br>Note that there will be NO thrown weapons on September 2, as no marshals are available. Come and join us at Fireside Feast instead! http://sunderoak.aethelmearc.org//event/fireside.html<br><br>In addition to the usual Sunday
practices after Labor Day, there will be two additional practices hosted by our friends in Sunderoak on Thursdays, September 13 and 27, from 6:30 until dusk. See http://sunderoak.aethelmearc.org/Officers/TW.html for localtion and other details.<br><br>See you Sunday!<br>Elss<br><br></td></tr></table>