<head><style>body{font-size:10pt;font-family:arial,sans-serif;background-color:#ffffff;color:black;}p{margin:0px;}</style></head><body><font color="#000000"><font size="2"><font face="arial,sans-serif"><br></font></font></font><br>From the Captain of Archers,<br><br>This Sunday, April 15th, an archery regional muster will be held of the Castle home of Their Excellencies, Byron and Ariella. I believe that this is the fourth time that this muster has been held there and all have been a lot of fun.<br><br>Do you remember the wild times when this muster was held the day after a local coronation? We packed the place.<br><br>A tentative schedule...<br><br>Lower Range - Archery beginning 10:00 and continuing until 4:00. This will be set up for the Gwyntarian Winter Challenge at ten and twenty yards. See below.<br><br>Upper Range - Thrown Weapons beginning 10:00 and continuing until about 1:00. The upper range will then be set up for the Castle Shoot with a range set up by THL Deryk Archer. He's promising something really new this year. This will continue <br>until 4:00.<br><br>Youth fighting will be held either outside on the back patio leading the practice starting at 2:00.<br><br>Tear down will take place beginning at 4:00 and we would like to be out by 5:00.<br><br>Loaner archery equipment will be available and I presume that the same will be true for Thrown Weapons.<br><br>Their Excellencies ask that everyone dress in garb. This muster is most definitely a photogenic event.<br><br>I ask that you bring food or snacks for a pot luck. Since this is an all-day event, I'm sure we'll get hungry. Drinks will be provided.<br><br>This will the last day for shooting rounds for the Winter Challenge and final scores must be submitted. At this time about thirty scores have been submitted from Aethelmearc and about half of those from the Debatable Lands and Steltonwald. We <br>have always been the most enthusiastic participants. Once final results are posted, I will announce them in the Althing and I hope to recognize individual achievements at War Practice.<br><br>As always we are most grateful for Their Excellencies allowing us the use their home for this muster. Please treat it with respect.<br><br>See you Sunday.<br><br>In Service to the Barony-Marche,<br><br>THL Urho Waltterinen<br>mka Eugene Siren<br>crossbow1953@earthlink.net<br>(home) 1-412-247-4467<br>(cell) 1-412-501-5239<br><br>Per valde mustache adveho valde officium<br><br></body>