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>From Master Creador, Head Cook for Rapier and Costuming Academy:<BR>
Greetings to All Good Gentles reading these words,<BR><BR>Yet another day of cooking has passed and once again I am reminded that I only supply ingredients and a little guidance and it is the marvelous volunteers that do the work to make sure we eat well, that I and the Kingdom are fortunate to have such talented and dedicated individuals. For this I would give thanks with no partticular order as everyones contribution made a difference;<BR>
<BR>To Master Alaric, Lord Pavel and the Barony Marche of the Debateable Lands for allowing me the oppurtunity; to Marysze for her wonderful ideas, spices, keeping it fun and hauling supplies; to Lady Elss for her skills in cooking as well as cleaning and her suggestions; to Lord Jorundr for his woking, cheese making, his cooking skills and ideas; to Lady Hara who never seemed to tire and her willingness to do all things kitchen; to Lord Robert for his willingness to try everything and his ability to accomplish all that was asked of him (including carving 2 hams); to John from filling the drinks to carving meat his willingness to pitch in with a smile; to THLay Myfanwy for doing the dishes, running to the store to doing more dishes and volunteering ideas; to Master Alastar for his support, his advice, his skills and hauling supplies; to Mistress Allesandra for her assistance and her smile; to Mistress Katja for playing in the kitchen adding fun and experience; to Master William for cutting bread, prepping chicken, doing dishes and doing what it takes to get things done, to Lord Sionn and Lord AElric for maing time in their schedule to do what they could, to Lady Etain for cutting bread, doing dishes and pitching in were needed; to Don Clewin for not only doing dishes but also fixing pipes; to Mistress Hrefna for doing dishes, coming back to do more and staying longer than she should have; to Asvald pitching in were needed, to Lady Sokurako for filling in when others were called away and knocking out alot of dishes, to Mistress T'sve'aa and Lord Pavel for help carrying in supplies; to Master Alaric for joining William and finishing off the dishes; and to Lady Chi Anling for cooking, cleaning and making pumpkin soup; my thanks to several indiviuals who I did not get their names and for this I apologize and if I have missed anyone I also deeply apologize.<BR>
<BR>To all these individuals I am indebted and all have my deepest gratitude because it is they who make what I do possible. If you enjoyed the food that day and if you meet one of these indiviuals please thank them for their time and effort.<BR><BR>As Always In Service, I am,<BR><BR>Creador TwyneDragon<BR><BR>Vivete Inspirare<BR><BR>If anyone on the AElist and BMDL list please forward this missive to them.<BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>Creador <BR> </div></body>