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Greetings Noble Populace!<br><br>I am very excited to announce that our website, www.debatablelands.org, has some new updates! On the meetings and activities page, each regular activity now has a "more info" link that leads to (wait for it).... more info about that activity! There are pictures and email lists, and contact information, and even a couple of videos. Just in time for the Zoo Demo...<br>To see the A&S links, http://www.debatablelands.org/meetings.html#ans .<br>To the martial activities links: http://www.debatablelands.org/meetings.html#martial<br><br>You'll also notice an "other activities" list of people doing cool stuff that might not have a regular meeting. If you'd like to be on this list, please do let me know.<br><br>We also have added a slide show by our own Mistress Arianna of Wynthrope to our "About Us" page: http://www.debatablelands.org/about.html. (Apologies to her: her slide show was spiffier, with zooms, and wipes and things. We had to make it static to embed into the webpage).<br><br>Keep on looking for updates over the coming months. Many thanks to our A&S Minister, Lady Pavla, who helped gather information, and many, many thanks to our Webminister, Cai, Codemaster Supreme-o.<br><br>If you see any mistakes, or see the need for changes on the new parts, or any part of the webpage, please contact Cai (webminister (at) debatablelands (dot) com).<br><br>In Levitate et Caritate<br>~Hilda, Seneschale <br> </body>