Greetings and Thank You to all who are attending the demo at the Pittsburgh zoo! <br><br>the deadline for signing up for the demo is past. you MUST be signed up to get in free at the gate.<br><br>please forward this to anyone who you think may need to see it.<br>
<br>please read all of this note, i will try to be much briefer than i usually am ;) ....try....<br><br>also please remember that this is a DEMO, not an event, altho it should be fun for all of us :)<br>
<br>OUR 3 MAIN GOALS with this demo are:<br><br>1)Present the SCA to the public in a POSITIVE light. this means don't talk about the swimming hole at pennsic, don't talk about how many times bear has broken his fingers, don't show off your bruises ;) we want people to be impressed with how interesting and SAFE we are, not how weird we are ;)<br>
<br>2) Make sure that the zoo guests enjoy having us there. this means be FRIENDLY & nice and talk to the people who are standing around watching us; don't just talk to your friends. WORK THE CROWD. we want to get people interested in doing what we are doing and we can't do that if we just ignore them. :)<br>
<br>3) Get people interested in doing what we are doing. yes i already said that. it's IMPORTANT. i'm sure that all the groups involved in this could use some new members. DIRECT PEOPLE TO THE INFORMATION TABLE NEAREST YOUR SECTION OF THE DEMO if they seem interested in us...please. :) ask where they are from. make sure they know the sca isn't just in pittsburgh.<br>
<br>try saying: "can i explain...." or "are you interested in..." instead of "if you have any questions i'm over here"'s much more friendly... :)<br><br><br>SCHEDULE:<br><br>
the demo is from 11-3 each day. specifics below. not all activities go on all day, be sure to read the specifics.<br>
<br>IF YOU CAN CARRY YOUR THINGS IN FROM THE MAIN PARKING AREA, please do so. <br><br>if you have large items such as spinning wheels, armor bags, large boxes of a&s materials, list ropes, etc, they can be dropped off at Gate B2 for transport to the demo area. <br>
<br>the road that runs through the middle of the zoo is called <font color="#333333" face="Arial" size="2">One Wild Place. Gate B-2 is across the street
from the huge party tent, ie big plastic pavilion. it has a small slanting driveway from a tiny parking lot up to a gate in a chain link fence. there</font> are only 6 or 7 parking spaces there so you will have to unload and then move your car to the main lot at the bottom of the hill. ***if you yourself have mobility issues, contact me.***<br>
<br>the zoo will be transporting items on flatbed carts and possibly trucks. people with fragile/valuable (your call) items (spinning wheels, hand carved tables) may ride and hold their items. there will be an sca person in this area coordinating this. <br>
<br>you may have to wait to unload; pull onto the side of the road where
there is no yellow line - you may need to go up and turn around so that
you are NOT carrying things across the road.<br><br>people items for the demo set-up or A&S that need transport are to be at gate B2 between 10:00 and 10:30 AM. <br><br>people with heavy weapons ARMOR are to be at gate B2 between 12:00 and 12:30, unless they want to fight earlier. contact me about fighting earlier.<br>
<br>THERE WILL BE NO TRANSPORT AFTER 12:30ish.... except for out at clean up time.<br>
<br>the specific schedule is:<br>saturday:<br>11:00 - 3:00 arts and sciences display tables<br>
11:00 - 12:00 dance - will probably continue after 12<br>1:00 - 3:00 fencing <br>
1:00 - 3:00 armored combat<br><br>sunday:<br>11:00 - 3:00 arts and sciences display tables<br>
11:00 - 11:30 choir, poetry <br>
11:30 - 12:30 youth fighting - will continue after 12:30<br>1:00 - 3:00 fencing<br>
1:00 - 3:00 armored combat<br><br>FENCERS - the fencing coordinators for both days have asked to have the fencing list open from 11 - 3, so you may be there as early as you'd like. there MUST be someone there from 1-3.<br>
<br>HEAVY WEAPONS - the list will be there with nothing else scheduled in it before 1:00 on both days. if a marshal is present and people want to fight, they may. there MUST be someone there from 1-3. contact me about fighting earlier.<br>
<br><br>GETTING TO THE ZOO:<br>
<br><a href="" target="_blank"></a> gives you directions from anywhere.<br><br>for gps use: <b><font size="2"><span style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(128, 0, 0); font-style: italic; font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"><span><b><span style="font-size: 12px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif;">7340 Butler Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15206</span></b></span></span></font></b><br>
<br>RT 28 is closed between millvale (just north of downtown) and the zoo. the detour will take you directly to the zoo. there may be traffic, so ALLOW FOR EXTRA TIME. <br><br>ARRIVING AT THE ZOO:<br><br>drop off your heavy stuff if need be.<br>
park in the main parking lot at the bottom of the hill.<br>go to the entrance where you pay and tell them that you are with the SCA. they will have your name on the guest list.<br>come to the demo area and CHECK IN.<br><br>
GETTING TO THE DEMO AREA:<br><br>go up the escalator/elevator. go with the flow of the people. walk past the store & the carousel. go under the stone arch bridge. when you come to a sign that says "water's edge" with an arrow to the left, GO RIGHT. yes, go AGAINST the flow of people. follow the path until you come to a large yurty-looking wooden shelter. it is labeled 'national city pavilion" on the map but says "PNC pavilion" on the building itself :) to the left of this building you will see double doors that say "do not enter" or somesuch. ignore this and go in, go through the shark tube and you will find the check in area in the large room between the sharks and the polar bears. this is the water's edge tunnel. YOU MUST CHECK IN TO RECEIVE YOUR FREE PASSES. YOU MUST CHECK IN. please check in. please. <br>
<br>at the check-in you will be directed to the area in which your particular activity is happening.<br><br>IF you are not fencing, fighting, dancing, or singing, you will be asked to spend some time at one of the areas talking to the crowd or sitting at an a&s table. be sure to SIGN UP for something - this is YOUR part of the demo; it is what you are doing in exchange for those passes. :)<br>
<br>IF you are going to be walking around the zoo when you are not with us, please take some information cards and hand them out to people you may talk to. you are more than welcome to walk around the zoo. PLEASE interact with the zoo guests - bow or curtsy to them, talk to them about the "strange beasts", ask them where the dragons are. make it fun for them. DON"T BE SURPRISED if they want to take a picture with you... :)<br>
<br>GARB: <br>you should be wearing garb for the demo. if you want to wear it to the zoo, feel free. if you wish to change at the zoo, there are large bathrooms near the check in area in which to change. there may also be a changing room near the heavy fighting area. there will be a place to leave your things in the check-in area if you wish to do so, or you may leave them in the changing room, which is not accessible to the public. there will be someone (sca) at the check in area all day. <br>
<br>AMENITIES: <br>there are bathrooms in each area that we will be using. there will be a large cooler full of ice water and cups in each area as well. bottled water at the zoo costs $2.50, be warned. there may be some powdered gatoraid in the fighting areas.<br>
<br>CLEAN UP:<br>please come retrieve your items from a&s at the end of the day. the zoo will provide transport for items in reverse of how they came in. you will need to bring your item to the drop off point for transport, go retrieve your car and come up to gate B2 and pick your item up. we may need help at the end of the day, please consider staying to help clean up. saturday we will need people to help carry things to storage for the sunday folks to use. <br>
<br>IF YOU RUN INTO PROBLEMS AT ANY POINT, CALL ME ON MY CELL at 412-721-5028 .....put it in your phone now :)<br><br>if i have forgotten anything, please let me know. i'm sure i have. *sigh*<br><br>
Remember, be friendly, be nice, make it a fun day for everybody. <br><br>THANK YOU!<br><br>rufina <br>