greetings from rufina!<br><br>this is a short announcement to let people know that the pittsburgh zoo would like us to be part of their "<b>Dragon Renaissance Festival" </b>(june 20 & 21) - which is a very exciting opportunity for all of us! <br>
<br>in that the zoo serves more than just the pittsburgh area, we've decided to invite our SCA neighbors to participate if they would like. those seneschals who i have spoken to have been enthusiastic. :)<br><br>the zoo would like us to do scheduled activities, as well as having display tables. we are hoping to have active fighting, fencing, & youth fighting demos at the very least - i'd love to have musical and dance performances as well. the scheduled active demos will be held between 11am & 3pm.<br>
<br>everyone who participates in the demo will have free admission for that day and each adult will receive free passes for a future zoo visit. after you have worked your turn at the demo that day, you are welcome to walk around the zoo in garb and hand out sca info - please please! :)<br>
<br>artisans who are activly demonstrating their art form are permitted to sell their wares.<br><br>the pgh ren faire will be there those days too, meaning we don't have total responsibility for entertaining the public. imho, a good thing.<br>
<br>ANYONE who would like to participate, or has questions or ideas, should email me at <a href=""></a>. please use 'zoo demo' in the subject line. if you would like to help coordinate, fantastic!! let me know and we'll find a way for you to help :) if you need to talk to me in a hurry: 412-721-5028<br>
<br>IF YOU WANT TO PARTICIPATE, I MUST HAVE A COMMITMENT FROM YOU BY JUNE 15TH TO GET YOUR NAME ON THE GUEST LIST. this isn't one of those demos where you can just show up, sorry - zoo rules :)<br><br>i will send out a more detailed announcement this week. thank you!!!<br>