<div>Congratulations to our own participants in the 15-man unbelted melee team, Baron Byron and Lord Matthias!</div> <div> </div> <div>Arianna<BR><BR><B><I>Michael <glaiveman42@yahoo.com></I></B> wrote:</div> <BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff 2px solid">Greetings unto the Populace of AEthelmearc,<BR><BR>Our unbelted champions took the field at the Great Pennsic War in the <BR>15 man unbelted melee tournament. 8 teams fought in the round robin <BR>tournament. Our champions found hard and were able to best all but <BR>one team earning 6 wins and 1 loss. The Kingdom of Atlantia did not <BR>lose a bout and were victorious. Our team was very solid and in one <BR>battle, all 15 fighters stood at the end saluting the team they <BR>bested.<BR><BR>I felt that we deserved a second chance and we challenged the <BR>Atlantian team to a rematch after the tournament. Our champions beat <BR>them soundly. <BR><BR>I wanted
to thank the fighters for giving their all for the glory of <BR>our Great Kingdom. <BR><BR>Thanks to the Sir Finn for securing the rematch and for helping with <BR>tactics, thanks to Sir Otto for helping out with tactics and being my <BR>second pair of eyes and thanks to Sir Alonzio for the chance to <BR>organize the unit and the "extra fights" against the Middle and the <BR>East.<BR><BR>Lastly, thank you to the Populace of AEthelmearc for coming to the <BR>tournament and supporting our unbelted champions.<BR><BR>Our Champions:<BR>HRH Duncan von Halstern <BR>THL Georg Eisenfaust<BR>THL Ciaran Faxi Ullson <BR>THL Hrothgeirr Ivarsson<BR>THL Havoc the Wild<BR>THL Magnus Tindal<BR>THL Thorgrim Skullsplitter<BR>THL Alric of the Mists<BR>THL Caoinleán Seanchaidh, called Tower<BR>Lord Wulfr Drachenhand <BR>Baroness Líadain ní Dheirdre Caomhánaigh - Captain<BR>Lord Ian Kennoven <BR>Lord Hrafn Inn Traustii <BR>Baron Vladisla Nikulich <BR>Lord Rodrigo De La Vega <BR>Lord Mathias
Mendl <BR>Lord Stevan Ulfkellson <BR>Baron Thomas Byron of Haverford <BR>Lord Óláfr Thorvarðarson <BR>Lord Nikoli<BR><BR>In Service,<BR><BR>Sir Maynard <BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>Karen Kasper<p> 
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