Unto the members of the BMDL does Cadell Blaidd du send greetings. The time for War is soon approaching, and I find myself in somewhat of a quandary:<br><br>I don't have a tent. (Whoops.)<br><br>While I could certainly visit one of the many sporting goods stores in the area and buy yet another nylon tent, the plain fact of the matter is I'm sick and tired of them. This is going to be my 13th Pennsic, and darn it, I want a pavilion! Panther is currently on a 10- to 11-week production schedule, which means there's no way I could get one from them in time for Pennsic. Does anyone have a pavilion 12'x12' or smaller (not much smaller, though, please!) that I could either purchase, or arrange to rent from you, before Pennsic?
<br><br>Thank you!<br><br>In service (and slight chagrin),<br>Cadell<br>