Greeting from the BMDL Pennsic Land Agent,<br><br>The Barony budget meeting is approaching, and some decisions need to be made regarding various things in the Barony's Pennsic camp that might require money. So I am inviting all interested individuals over to my house this Wednesday evening, February 28th at 7:30pm to discuss issues surrounding the Pennsic camp. If you are interested in attending, please email me (
<a href="" target="_blank" onclick="return top.js.OpenExtLink(window,event,this)"></a>) and I will give you directions to my house.<br><br>This meeting is open to anyone in the Barony who wants to provide input into any matters relating to this year's Pennsic camp. You don't have to be camping with us to attend. Everyone's input is welcome. In the event that no one shows up, I'll be making decisions as I see
fit and then running them by the officers next week. So if you would
like to have input, please attend!<br><br>Items to be discussed include, but are not necessarily limited to:<br><ul><li>The trailer that is used to store all of the camp equipment has a broken hitch that needs to be replaced. Money needs to be budgeted for its repair.
<br></li><li>The camp shower. It needs a new frame. We currently have $200 to use for this.</li><li>The ditch! It needs to be made safe for the campers. I have heard suggestions from marking it with torches to covering the whole thing with plywood. Come and discuss your ideas.
</li><li>Camp Mom. We need one to help keep the camp organized.
<br></li><li>Improvements to the common areas: better lighting, possible shelving for storage in the common tent, etc.</li><li>Possible camp fee to cover items like water & ice for communal water coolers, propane for the showers, firewood, and camp improvements.
</li></ul>Again, the meeting is at my house at 7:30pm on Wednesday. Please email me directly for directions to my house.<br><br>In Service,<br>Clemente de Warrewyk<br>BMDL Pennsic Land Agent<br><br>