Greetings,<br><br>I have a few updates and reminders for the Academy of St. Julian:<br><br>In
order to help keep things moving more smoothly, the site will now open
slightly earlier. Troll will now open at *11:30am*. Classes start
promptly at 12:00 and run until 6:00pm.<br><br>Also, the class list has been finalized! Please see the <a href="">event announcement</a> for class information.<br><br>Finally, don't forget about the pot luck dessert table! If you are able, please bring a dessert for the dessert table. Please make sure your dish does not have to be refrigerated, as we do not have access to kitchen facilities. Bring the dish to the sideboard in the Kurtzman room upon arrival.
<br><br>In Service,<br>Lord Clemente de Warrewyk<br>autocrat, Academy of St. Julian