[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Court Report: Agincourt XV

Gwenly Grace gwenlygrace at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 11:02:13 EDT 2023

Court Report of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands

Brandubh et Hildarun

October 28, AS 58 (2023)

Agincourt XV

Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands

The report of the Court of Brandubh et Hilderun, Baron and Baroness of the
Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands held on the 28th day of October Anno
Societatis 58 at the 15th Celebration of Agincourt, in the Barony-Marche of
the Debatable Lands, as recorded by Gwendolyn the Graceful, Brehyres,
Meistr-y-gân, Comet Herald, with assistance by Lord Turlough Feolain.

Upon the field, Their Excellencies invited Brehyres Muirgheal Ingen
Dubhghail before them and presented her with an Iron Comet in recognition
of her fencing and archery skills, most notably for her performance at
Seven Pearls. Scroll by The Honorable Lord Owen Tegg, with words by Baron
Alaric MacConnal and calligraphy by The Honorable Lady Ceindrech verch
Ellidir. Court was suspended.

Next, Their Excellencies sought The Honorable Lady Gesa von Wellenstein to
discuss the many ways in which she serves the Barony, bestowing on her a
Gold Comet. Scroll by The Honorable Lady Lisabetta de Rossi.

Following this, Lady Elinor Walden was called forward to be recognized with
a Silver Comet for her superior skills in tailoring and clothing design,
especially for her work on the Baronial Cloak project. Scroll by The
Honorable Lord Owen Tegg, with calligraphy by THLy Ceindrech verch Ellidir
upon wording by Baron Alaric MacConnal. Court was suspended.

Later, Their Excellencies took the opportunity to present Lady Forveleth
Dunde with a Silver Comet for her talents at weaving, cord-making, and
embroidery, including her contributions to the Baronal Cloak Project.
Platter decorated and calligraphed by The Honorable Lady Gesa von
Wellenstein. Court was suspended…

…and immediately resumed in order to name The Honorable Lord Sasson de la
Sancta Vittoria a Companion of the Silver Comet for his scribal arts.
Scroll by The Honorable Lady Lisabetta de Rossi. Court was then suspended

A short while later, Their Excellencies visited The Honorable Lady
Lisabetta de Rossi and presented her with a Gold Comet for her many
services to the Barony, including serving as herald, running Arts and
Sciences displays, and more. Scroll by The Honorable Lady Gesa von

Still later, Their Excellencies summoned Lord Dagon the Ordained before
them to speak of his service to the Barony, particularly finding a winter
practice site and securing storage space for Baronial equipment, and
awarded him a Gold Comet. Scroll illumination by The Honorable Lord Sasson
de la Sancta Vittoria, words and calligraphy by Mistress Graidhne ni
Ruaidh. Court was suspended.

In the evening, Their Excellencies invited Dame Olyf Moorcroft to address
the populace as Event Steward. She offered thanks to her staff, including
The Honorable Lady Deirdre Scot of Clan Scot for heading lunch, and
acknowledged Maighstir Uilliam mac an t'Saoir and Mistress Constance Glyn
Dwr for creating Agincourt fifteen years previously.

Before releasing the kitchen staff, Their Excellencies required Vigdis
Stillingr to step forward and receive a Gold Comet for her many acts of
assistance in both kitchen and field. Scroll by Lady Benedicta di Venetia.

Their Excellencies also recognized Lord Eamonn na Laimhe with a Gold Comet
for his service to the MOL office and as cook, event support, and other
acts. Illumination and words by Dame Olyf Moorcroft with calligraphy by The
Honorable Lady Rachel Dalicaux.

Next, Their Excellencies gave leave to Lady Elinor Walden to present the
results of the archery competition. She also thanked Lord Gnaeus Iulius
Celsus for his help to set up and run the range. Lady Arthes MacLeod was
called forward to receive a scroll of recognition, unsigned, with
calligraphy and wording by The Honorable Lady Rachel Dalicaux.

Then, Learifaðir Jorundr hinn rotinn named the winners of the fencing
tournaments of the day. First, the victor of the Spear Tourney: Don Robert
MacEwin of Thornhill; second, the victor of the Cut-and-Thrust Tourney: Don
Robert MacEwin of Thornhill; finally, the winner of the Steel Coin: Baron
Salvatore de la Torres…who already had a coin, so he gifted his to Don
Robert MacEwin of Thornhill. However, Don Robert already having won a coin,
presented his to Lord Marcos Baltanos…who already had a coin. So Lord
Marcos presented his coin to Don Niccolo Loredan de Venezia, who,
thankfully, did not have a coin already.

After this, Their Excellencies asked The Honorable Lady Lisabetta de Rossi
to share the outcome of the Arts and Sciences populace choices. For
largess, Kolfinna was voted the most popular; for the general display,
Hannah won the populace choice. Each was presented with a goodie basket as
a prize.

Their Excellencies then asked forward all those gentles who had been
presented with comets earlier during the Campaign Courts. They then asked
Brehyres Muighreal ingen Dubhghail to read the Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, and Belonging statement crafted by the Barony, that all might
hear and know the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands for a welcoming

Finally, Their Excellencies asked all scribes, wordsmiths, and
regalia-makers to come forward for a token of appreciation for all they do.

There being no further business, the Court of Their Excellencies was closed.

Faithfully submitted,

Gwendolyn the Graceful, Brehyres

Comet Herald
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