[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Court Report 7 Pearls Tournament

Ben Cogan donnghaile at gmail.com
Mon Sep 19 10:32:34 EDT 2022

The following is the report of the Court of Their Excellencies Brandubh et
Hilderun, Baron and Baroness of the Barony-Marche of the Debatable Lands,
held at the Seven Pearls event hosted by the Barony of the Rhyderrich Hael
on the 27th day of August anno societatis 57 by Lord Ronan Ó Conaill,
reporting herald.

Upon opening Their court, Their Excellencies greeted the populace and then
gave leave to the Barony of Thescorre to conduct their courts.

Upon the closing of THescorre’s Baronial Court, Their Excellencies called
forward Sir Tigernach mac Cathail of the Barony of Endless Hills whereupon
they recognized him as the Champion of the Seven Pearls Archery Tournament.
Sir Tigernach was then presented a scroll with illumination by Lady Aibell
ingen Chernachain, calligraphy by THLady Rachel Daliceux, and words by
Baron Brandubh O'Donnghaile.

The court of Their Excellencies was then closed.

Submitted by Lord Ronan Ó Conaill.
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