[SCA-BMDL] Court Report Equestrian Championship October 22, AS 57

Ben Cogan donnghaile at gmail.com
Mon Oct 24 10:11:13 EDT 2022

The Report of the Court of Their Excellencies Brandubh et Hilderun, Baron
and Baroness of the Debatable Lands, held upon the occasional of the
Baronial Equestrian Championship Tournament on the 22nd day of October anno
societatis 57, Baron Brandubh O'Donnghaile, Taber Herald.

Their Excellencies thanked THLady Gesa von Wellenstein for serving as
marshal and organizing the tournament, and presented tokens to her grounds
crew for their service as Sophia, Jason, Alicia, Sir Bors of Rouen and Duke
Byron of Haverford had all lent assistance to the smooth operation of the

Their Excellencies invited forth all new comers and presented each with a
ring to remember their first event.

THLady Gesa von Wellenstein was then invited forward, and Their
Excellencies assisted in transferring the regalia of the Baronial
Equestrian Champion to Lord Yarden of the Debatable Lands, presented him as
the winner of the tournament.  Scroll Limned by Mistress Arianna of
Wynthrope, scrivened by THLady Ceindrech verch Elidir.

With the assistance of THLady Gesa, Their Excellencies noted the Chivalry
demonstrated in the arena by Emma Borsdottir showing the gentleness with
which she handled her steed and presented her with a token.  They also
recognized the Skills in Equitation of Jackie of the Debatable Lands
showing her high degree of skill with the horse.  Lastly Their Excellencies
presented a token to Faelan Einar for telling the best tale of his journey
through the tournament.

Their Excellencies then bid all safe travels on their ways home.

Court Closed
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