[SCA-BMDL] Online Sewing Circle Thursday Dec 15 at 7:30 in kingdom zoom
Sharon Booth
sbooth at sbooth.net
Wed Dec 14 15:14:48 EST 2022
There is another online sewing tomorrow, Thursday Dec 15th at 7:30pm in
the kingdom zoom. Zoom information listed below. One topic that I will
be discussing is in-person sewing dates and fabric recommendations.
There is another Japanese Iris Festival and Equestrian event on June
10th. I will be hosting in-person sewing at my house Feb 10, 18, and 25
to provide supervision for making basic Japanese garments kosode and
hakama pants or skirt. The kosode is the precursor to the modern kimono,
and hakama are the pants with baggy legs. If you want to participate,
you need to have fabric prepared and cut. At the December and January
sewing circle, I'll make fabric recommendations, and help you figure out
the amount you will need. Also I can only host a few people at my house
without running out of table space. So I will need to know if you plan
to attend and if you will be bringing a sewing machine. I am asking
folks to mask, but I hope to have air-filters in heated garage for a
place to eat and drink.
There is also a plan to have sewing area downstairs at the March Barony
meeting for folks that want to sew there.
If you have questions about sewing circle or in-person Japanese sewing
please contact sewing (at) debatablelands (dot) org.
Hara Kikumatsu
The zoom information: Note that the January zoom information will be
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