[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Court and Social Tomorrow at Pennsic! 4pm

Krista Cogan krista.cogan at gmail.com
Sat Aug 6 11:20:37 EDT 2022

Hello! For those at Pennsic, don't forget to come to our Baronial Court and
Social at Aethelmearc Royal!

Sunday, 8/7, starting at 4pm!
4pm is gathering and set up
4:30 sharp is Baronial Court
5:30 ish (after Baronial Court) is a light dinner and social time.
6pm or thereabouts is Royal Court!

Help appreciated for clean up.

The light dinner is walking tacos (vegetarian option available), veggies
and fruit. And. Pittsburgh-style cookie table! Bring cookies, if you're

~Bns Hilda
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