[SCA-BMDL] AEcademy This Weekend!

Krista Cogan krista.cogan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 10:10:07 EDT 2020

Bump on this email from our A&S Minister, Baroness Isabel.

VERY excited about some of the Aethelmearc Aecademy classes! I hope lots of
people come!

And excited about teaching mine! Behind the Curtain: SCA Administrative
Structure. Come ask me questions at noon!!

~Bns Hilda

Class List, FYI:

10:00 AM
How to Seneschal and Not lose your $hit.
Mobakama Wrap Skirt Description and Construction
Dealing With Research Roadblocks with Krupnik
How to create a digital archive for your group in Google Drive
Talking With Your Hands

11:00 AM
Commenting in OSCAR
How to create a Google Site
Who's Who in Europe in 1500

12 Noon
Beginner level bread baking
Welcome to purgatory! Your expected wait time is....
What's Wrong with This Scroll?
Behind the Curtain: SCA Administrative Structure
Flavor Futzing, Krupnik Mistakes, and Experimentation

1:00 PM
Cooking in the Woods for 40 - Illadore Cooks at Gulf Wars, Techniques and
What is Cha no Yu? - An Introduction to Japanese Civilization
Making an Impact - making the SCA more welcoming and inclusiveIns and outs
of using Wordpress
History of the Venetian Carnevale Mask and a Little How-To Too!

2:00 PM
Bread Kneading Playtime
The Garnet Process
Amalie’s Computer Tips & Tricks

3:00 PM
History of Dolls-Classical era to the Elizabethan Era
Cultures in Collision - Japan Discovers Europe
Persian Manuscripts- A Play in Patterns
Kingdom Officers Meet & Greet
Extant Clothing from 16th century Dresden

4:00 PM
Drottkvaet Skaldic Verse, Court Poetry of the Norse

On Thu, Jul 9, 2020 at 8:26 AM Stórfréttir Updates <admin at debatablelands.org>

> There is new Baronial News at the Stórfréttir!
> AEcademy This Weekend!
> Posted by: Arts and Sciences Minister
> Are you ready to learn something new? Need a virtual break from isolation?
> Here's your perfect opportunity to see some familiar faces and get your A&S
> on, virtually! From the Chancellor of the AEcademy: Good morning
> AEthelmearc! It is my pleasure to share the draft list of classes and
> schedule for this weekend's AEcademy. Please keep an eye on this document
> between now and Saturday, as classes are still being registered;
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f3ILOuhvYvjOjiTR_ojK3-T4RCpeHfGHLXJjbme_nFg/edit?usp=sharing
> And please remember, if you'd like to join us this weekend, YOU MUST SIGN
> UP to receive the Zoom login information:
> http://ae.scaforms.org/view.php?id=55949 Yours in service, Elena de la
> Palma Chancellor AEcademy
> -----
> To see or comment on this post on the Stórfréttir, click here:
> http://debatablelands.org/blog/?p=4493.
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