[SCA-BMDL] To the barony

Gail Lefkowitz lefkowitzga at gmail.com
Tue Feb 25 00:01:52 EST 2020

Unto my fellow baronial subjects from Ts’vee’a bas Tseepora Levi, companion of the Pelican, companion of the Laurel, 31st Jewel of AEthelmearc, companion of the Copernicus, Greetings!

I would like to announce to the Barony that Lady Elizabeth Parker has done me the honor of becoming my protégé this evening at Debatable Choir practice. She joins Lord Ronan O’Conaill under my current aegis. I am proud and humbled to have both of them working with me as we all continue to grow and serve Barony, Kingdom and Society. 

I am one of those who believe that peerage is a job rather than an award. That elevation begins the responsibility, not ends it.  I look forward to working with Lady Elizabeth as she continues to explore what that means for her. 

Thank you for your attention to this missive, and, hopefully, your well-wishes in our endeavors. 

Yours in service,

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