[SCA-BMDL] A Kingdom for My Horse

Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill muirgheall at gmail.com
Sun Jun 9 17:46:12 EDT 2019

My Lord, My Ladies, and everybody else not sitting on a cushion!  Today...
today, you find yourselves equals.  For you are equally blessed.  For I
have the pride, the privilege, nay the pleasure of inviting you to join the
Barony-Marche of the DebatableLands for the Joust!

A Kingdom for My Horse approaches and with it the Kingdom Equestrian
Championship, Jousting, Sir Hagar's Viking Roadshow, Heavy and Rapier
Tournaments, and an amazing display of the Arts and Sciences within our

For this, you have but one woman to thank! Lady Gesa Von Wellenstein, our
humble Autocrat! (please reach out to her with questions or concerns.
Please direct all Equestrian questions to Lady Gesa. (email:
gwellenstein at yahoo.com; 724-991-0917; calls between 6 pm and 10 pm only,
please).  She bids you, Come! Experience the glory of our Equestrians,
Fight for your Crown, Lift your hearts, and Fill your bellies!

An all-day sideboard to tempt your pallets, balance your humors, and fill
your bellies will be prepared by Drotinn Jorudnr hinn Rotinn (Please
shinigamikirin at gmail.com for any dietary concerns or restrictions)

Add June 28 - June 30, 2019 at the Raccoon Volunteer Fire hall (4061
Patterson Road, Aliquippa, PA 15001); be present to see the Mounted
Combatants of Æthelmearc as you have never before witnessed them!


Facebook Page <https://www.facebook.com/events/319050852123711/>

Kingdom Announcement <http://aethelmearc.org/event/a-kingdom-for-my-horse/>

With my apologies to the script writers of A Knight's Tale.

Yours in Service,
THL Muirgheal inghean Dubhghaill
mka Heather H. Cogan

muirgheall at gmail.com

111 Mulberry Street,
Coraopolis, PA 15108

Cuimnig ar do geallamnaca
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