[SCA-BMDL] Heavy Fighting for Agincourt Oct 20th

Branstetter, Barton F caram at pitt.edu
Fri Sep 21 16:18:30 EDT 2018

Greetings All Fighters and Siege Engineers!  Here are the scenarios for the Agincourt event:
Archery was a lynchpin of the battle of Agincourt; combat archers will be welcomed in every scenario.

11AM: Agincourt Speed Tournament
This will be much like a typical Atlantian speed tournament, but with some English-vs-French twists.

12AM:  Melee
Scenario #1:  The French army was funneled into hedge-rows between the towns of Agincourt and Tramecourt.  By the time they met the English forces, they were crowded and slowed by mud, making them easy targets for English archers.  This will be a timed scenario, in which the side with infinite resurrection is funneled onto a narrow bridge and subjected to archer fire.
Scenario #2:  King Henry personally took the field at Agincourt, opposed by the Duke of Alencon.  The two men met in battle, and Alencon beat the English King to his knees before being overwhelmed.  In this non-resurrection field battle, the victory condition is death of the opposing "King", who will be given extra protections.  We will run the scenario 3-5 times.

To follow: Siege Weapons
Those fighters not on a ballista crew (and any other spectators) are encouraged to place bets on the outcome of these scenarios.
Scenario #3:  Target practice.  Each ballista will be given an opportunity to find range prior to the competition.  A target will be placed downrange, and scores will be accumulated for 5 shots on target.
Scenario #4:  Head-to-head.  Ballista crews will shoot at each other.  Deadpool betting is encouraged.

To follow: Tavern Brawl
It wouldn't be Agincourt without the Tavern Brawl.  Bring your short weapons and leave your shield behind.  Be prepared to have tables and chairs get in your way.  You may make alliances, but in the end, there can be only one.

Count Sir Byron and Countess Sir Ariella

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