[SCA-BMDL] Commedia article

Elss Augsburg elss.of.augsburg at gmail.com
Fri May 18 00:17:54 EDT 2018

There are several characters that are performed in various  commedia
troupes at Pennsic that do not fall into the three main types of
characters. For example, in i Genesii there is the most beautiful character
of all, the lovely Beatrice. I am quite sure Maighstir Liam did not ignore
her, as no one could.

In service to the dream,
Elss of Augsburg

Who performs as Beatrice

On Thu, May 17, 2018, 3:37 PM Shawn MacIntyre <medicmacintyre at gmail.com>

> Master Charles,
> The article I wrote for the Althing was meant as a basic overview of the
> Characters in Commedia. I gave examples of each of the types of characters.
> In no way was Capitano forgotten or deleted. I was writing a basic
> understanding of the types of characters.
> In Service,
> Maighstir Liam MacantSaoir
> Who performs as Capitano and Guazetto.
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