[SCA-BMDL] Fiber guild meeting Tuesday January 16 7pm

Dina Ternullo dinaternullo at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 14 21:41:58 EST 2018


This is a reminder that the BMDL fiber guild will have the next meeting on Tuesday, January 16th  at 7PM, at Songbird Artistry, 4316 Penn Ave. in Lawrenceville.

This month we will be talking about embroidery! We got a great big tin of supplies from
Mistress Rowena from Coppertree, and we have an embroidery demo in the works for the children's museum, and there is a stitches in time event in May, and there is always largess, so embroidery is in the air! 

If embroidery is not your thing, come anyway, any fiber minded people welcome! Please feel free
To bring projects to work on. 

Tea and snacks will be happening, as always.

(Drinking tea is encouraged but not mandatory. Please contact me about any dietary restrictions.)


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