[SCA-BMDL] December Althing

Constance Glyn Dwr aechirurgeon at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 16:56:53 EST 2017

Greetings from your Chronicler!

This December's Althing will be my last, and it will be published December

To that end, I call all Officers, and populace to send in reports,
articles, etc to me.  Please, no later than November 29th.

chronicler at debateablelands.org

We can use pictures, recipes, articles, reports, insights and whatever else
your heart desires.

This is the last newsletter before 12th Night!!  So send in pictures of the
garb you're working on. Tell us about the period gifts you're making, what
delicious recipe will you share??

In service,


PS: If you'd like to run for Chronicler, please send in your letter of
intent to myself and our Seneschal by December 1st. If you are curious
about the job, feel free to email myself or my deputy.

Mistress Constance Glyn Dwr
Reign Coordinator Aethelmearc
Barony Marche of the Debateable Lands Chronicler
mka: Sunshine MacIntyre
4464 Highridge Street
Pittsburgh PA 15214
(412) 513-8331
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