[SCA-BMDL] Njal's Saga read-through TOMORROW

Silence de Cherbourg silencethebard at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 17:43:52 EST 2017

Greetings to the Barony! 

In October, there will be a dramatic telling of the Saga of Burnt-Njal (http://aethelmearc.org/event/njal-saga/) in Thescorre at an immersive event. Tomorrow, 2/25, there will be a read-through at my house in Squirrel Hill, starting at 11am and wrapping up around 5. If you think you might be interested in participating in the reading, this is an excellent opportunity to try it out. If you’d like to simply stop in and listen for a spell, you’re welcome to do that too! 

My address is:

2458 Beechwood Blvd
Pittsburgh, PA  

Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy so there should be plenty of street parking available. (We’re across the street from Frick Park.) We have two kitties, so those with allergies be forewarned. Any questions, please feel free to email me. 

In Service And Song,

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