[SCA-BMDL] Youth Fighter Practice this Sunday

Karen Kasper ariannawyn at gmail.com
Fri Apr 21 23:31:27 EDT 2017

Greetings to all youth fighters and their parents!
This Sunday youth fighter practice resumes from 2 to 5 pm at the corner of
Washington Blvd. and Allegheny River Blvd. in the East End. Map here:
Loaner gear will be available. Remember that the practice site has no
seating, so bring a folding chair if you want to be able to sit somewhere
other than on the ground. I will provide water and cups. The weather on
Sunday is forecast to be partly sunny in the mid-60s, perfect fighting

Schedule going forward:
- April 23 - practice at the Washington Blvd site, weather permitting -
April 30 - practice at the Washington Blvd site, weather permitting
- May 7 - practice at the Washington Blvd site, weather permitting
- May 14 - practice at the Washington Blvd site, weather permitting
- May 20 (Saturday) - Kingdom Youth Champs Tourney at AEthelmearc War
Practice <http://aethelmearc.org/event/war-practice-xxviii/>
- May 21 - NO practice at the Washington Blvd site, go to War Practice
- May 28 - TBD, it's Memorial Day weekend

I hope we'll see you there this Sunday!

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