[SCA-BMDL] Fwd: [SCA-AE] Letters of Recommendation

krista.cogan krista.cogan at gmail.com
Tue Apr 11 13:59:11 EDT 2017

From the Prince and Princess.

Sent from my Sprint Phone.-------- Original message --------From: taylor2011 at windstream.net Date: 4/11/2017  9:14 AM  (GMT-05:00) To: discussion at aethelmearc.org Subject: [SCA-AE] Letters of Recommendation 
Greetings from TRH Timothy and Gabrielle,

Many thanks for the dozens of letters of recommendations that have been received in the past few days, it is wonderful to hear of so many worthy gentles in our Kingdom!  We are impressed with how many are willing to take the time to write to us about those working so hard in the arts, service and martial domains.

We do have one request.  If possible, please help our court docket by listing some events other than War Practice and Pennsic.  Our War Practice court docket is already very long, and we are attempting to keep our Pennsic court to a reasonable length if possible.  We have Royal Progresses scheduled throughout the Kingdom and would to fill out those court dockets.

Here is a list of our planned Royal Progresses:

Blackstone Raid
A&S Faire
Crown Tournament
War Practice
Melee Madness
Scarlet Guard Inn
Bog 3 Day /Investiture
Summers End

It is likely more will be added especially in the later months.  Please also keep in mind when suggesting an event that it takes time to create a scroll, so we cannot schedule an award to be given in just a couple of weeks.  Our Scribal community works tremendously hard and we are doing our best to give them the time they need to produce their beautiful creations.

We are so impressed with all the letters we have received and offer our utmost thanks for all your efforts.

In Service to Glorious AEthelmearc,
Timothy and Gabrielle
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