[SCA-BMDL] Fwd: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: From the Society Seneschal Regarding Insurance

Jenn Strobel jenn.strobel at gmail.com
Tue Sep 20 09:43:49 EDT 2016

>From the Kingdom Seneschal.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: AEthelmearc Seneschal via Sca-aethelmearc-announce via Sca-aethelmearc
<sca-aethelmearc at lists.andrew.cmu.edu>
Date: Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 9:34 AM
Subject: [SCA-AE] ANNOUNCE: From the Society Seneschal Regarding Insurance
To: announcements at aethelmearc.org

Keywords: AEnnouncements
Announcements at aethelmearc.org for announcements only.
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Good Gentles:

Below is an official announcement from the Society Seneschal regarding the
SCA Insurance.  Event autocrats and local seneschals should be familiar
with this and the limitations outlined in this message.

If you have any questions please drop me a line.


Duke Christopher
Seneschal, Aethelmearc

Greetings to all Kingdom Seneschals,

Questions about the SCA's insurance coverage have come up over the past
year and I would like to clarify matters.

1.  An officially sanctioned event conveys “coverage” of officers and the
Society against litigation and does not provide medical insurance to
attendees.   (A participant was recently injured at an event and while the
individual had sufficient health insurance, someone had a question
regarding our insurance and if it applied to our participants.  The answer
is no, our insurance does not cover injuries sustained during SCA
activities at SCA events.)

2.  Our insurance does not cover stolen property.  This is especially true
if we rent something with wheels, like a golf cart; it is incumbent upon
the group renting the item (vehicle, trailer et al.) to obtain insurance
for the item with wheels from the company that rents the item.  (We
recently had golf carts stolen from an event and the group was out of
pocket for the golf cart.)

3.  The SCA's insurance does not cover the intentional damage to event
sites inflicted by our participants.  (Within the last year or so, someone
came upon a locked gate at an event and then drove through the gate; this
intentional tort is not covered by our insurance and the group was forced
to compensate the site owner.)

Our insurance over the past ten years has become increasingly more
expensive and there is no way for our organization to cover the insuring
our participants, rented property or intentional damage to a site.

Please pass this down to your local group seneschals.

Best regards,

A.J. Pongratz
Vice President of Operations, SCA Inc.
Society Seneschal
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*Aude aliquid dignum*
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