[SCA-BMDL] Fiber guild meeting tonight!

Dina Ternullo dinaternullo at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 18 13:03:43 EDT 2016

Hello all !

This is the last minute reminder that the BMDL Fiber Guild meeting is tonight!

It is at Songbird Artistry, 4316 Penn avenue in Lawrenceville at 7 PM. 

Her Excellency Baroness Constance Glyn Dwr (Sunshine MacIntyre) will teach us the basics of nalbinding (or single needle knitting). Which is awesome.

Basic kits will be available, but feel free to bring your own materials if you wish (single ply yarn and a nalbinding needle).

There also will be snacks and tea.

See you all there! 

(for those of you who do not know what naalbinding is, check out this nifty Wikipedia article: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nålebinding) but don't just stop there, come to the meeting!

Most sincerely,


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