[SCA-BMDL] Great Barony Larder Clean Out and Inventory of 2015

Elss Augsburg elss.of.augsburg at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 16:16:58 EDT 2015

Greetings to the Autocrats, feast-o-crats, kitchen minions and others who
may be users of the Barony's pots, pans, and other larder items:

If you have *anything* that should be returned to the larder, please do it
NOW. This Saturday is the *Great Barony Larder Clean Out and Inventory of
2015*, years in the making, and everything needs to be back so it can be
accounted for.

I know that someone out there will probably want to hang on to a few things
because they will be needed for that event coming up soon, but alas, that
is not even an option. Everything must come home immediately.

Please go to your SCA stash and look it over, as there is some stuff that
has been checked out for quite some time. I know that some items have been
passed along from one person to another, so if you are not sure if the
stuff belongs to the Barony, please call me at 724-759-3333. It is probably


Also --

I am looking for volunteers to help with the carrying, sorting, counting,
and organizing of all our pots, spoons, trays, and stuff. The work will be
done in a garage and out on the driveway, so you should dress in your
grubbies. This event happens rain or shine, heat or cold, so dress
appropriately. Bring water or a beverage or a snack if you need it.

If you just want to bring a chair and hang out with the cool kids, that's
OK too. The work will start at 11 AM at THLady Michelina Cenomani da
Trento' house, as she is the Barony's Steward. Her address and phone
information is in the Dark Pages.

NOTE: I am having "Issues" with internet connectivity (may Verizon have the
dung of a thousand camels dropped on its headquarters) so please call me at
724-759-3333 if you have any questions at all.

Please forward to any interested parties, either here, there, or elsewhere.

See you Saturday!

Elss Augsburg
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