[SCA-BMDL] No Youth Fighting until August 16!

Karen Kasper ariannawyn at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 22:15:30 EDT 2015

Greetings to all Youth Fighters and their Parents!


There will be no Youth Fighter Practice at Washington Blvd. for the next
three weeks while we are at Pennsic. Youth Fighter Practices will resume on
Sunday, August 16.

If you are at Pennsic, youth fighting runs from Thursday, July 30 through
Thursday, August 6 on the eastern side of the main battlefield. Sessions
are scheduled twice daily, from 8 – 10:30 am and 3 – 5 pm. (Times may vary
to avoid conflicting with major battles.) In addition, there are multiple
tournaments, including the AEthelmearc Youth Adult Tag Team Tourney which
is on Wednesday evening this year. You do not have to be an authorized
youth fighter to compete at Pennsic, but you do need to bring your own
armor and weapons as there is little or no loaner gear. More information on
Youth Combat at Pennsic is available here:

After Pennsic, we'll have a youth combat tournament at the Iron Comet event
on August 29 at Brady's Run State Park in Beaver County. More info after

See you at Pennsic, or afterward!

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