[SCA-BMDL] Baronial Youth Archery Champions

Ben Cogan donnghaile at gmail.com
Tue Sep 30 09:33:51 EDT 2014

Greetings Debatable Lands,

This weekend will feature the Baronial Youth Archery Championship.  Their
Excellencies Liam and Constance invite all youth of the Barony to come to
Archers to the Wald and enter this competition to win the title of Youth
Archery Champion.  Carl MacBranduibh is working on a fun shoot that all
youth shooters can come and enjoy.

The Youth Competition will  begin at 1:00 on Saturday Oct 4, so be sure
that all youth who are interested in competing have checked in with me,
Brandubh, by the 1:00 start time.  I will be on the range behind the
building setting up the shoot beginning at 12:30 for any youth who wish to
come and sign in.

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