[SCA-BMDL] Reminder: Heather Dale / Ben Deschamps Concert TOMORROW NIGHT
Kameshima Zentarou Umakai
cadell at gmail.com
Wed Jun 4 11:16:19 EDT 2014
Unto the Barony, greetings from Kameshima!
This is a gentle reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, June 5th, noted SCAdian
and modern folk musicians Heather Dale and Ben Deschamps will be here in
Pittsburgh for a stop on their LAST EVER(*) house concert tour. Which, of
course, is why we're not having it in our house(**).
The concert will be in the Old Fire House in North Park, starting at
7:30pm, and featuring local Celtic band Lucht Siuil (including our very own
Baron Liam on vocals) to get the evening started right. Admission is by
donation, with a suggested donation of $10-$20 per person, and Heather and
Ben will have merchandise available for sale if you want to take their
music home with you. Seating will be somewhat limited, as this is a
relatively small hall, so be warned.
For more information, please see the following event listings on Facebook
and Google+:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/events/871628592851282/
G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/cfpt9dh8grs1so8ukuiru3oeqdg
(*) barring an unforeseen return to the house concert scene, but for now,
they have bigger and better things in their sights
(**) Actually, anyone who's seen our house -- which is still mostly packed
in boxes due to a lack of time to unpack -- knows exactly why we're not
having it in our house. :-)
In Honor and Service,
Kameshima Zentarou Umakai
Silver Buccle Principal Herald, Kingdom of Æthelmearc
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