[SCA-BMDL] Quarterly A&S Report

Ishiyama Gen'tarou Yori'ie ishiyama at ee0r.com
Sun Feb 9 11:07:52 EST 2014

Greetings from your Baronial Arts and Science Minister!

As I have hopefully made you all aware through my periodic pleas for
input, I submit a report quarterly to the Kingdom A&S Minister on all
our activity within the Barony. It is that time once again.

* Have you created or helped create any scrolls?

* Have you contributed to the newsletter?

* Have you taught any classes?

* Have you demonstrated your craft at any demos?

* Have you completed any projects?

* Have you entered and work in a display or competition?
   (Particularly outside our Barony where I didn't see it.)

* Would you like to recommend anybody for an award but
   can't take the time to make a more formal recommendation?

You can send me email, come talk to me at the Sunday A&S practices at
the Environmental Charter School, or buttonhole me at Kingdom for a
Stage (Feb. 15) or King's Crossing 12th Night (Feb. 22).

Thanks for your help!

Yours in service to the Barony,

THL Ishiyama Gen'tarou Yori'ie
(mka: Elliott C. Evans)
ishiyama at ee0r.com

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