[SCA-BMDL] Officers' Meeting Wednesday

Broom iambroom at gmail.com
Wed Feb 5 12:34:29 EST 2014

Just wanted to add: there's a link on the Barony website main page as well.

 We're going to try another experiment with broadcasting the meeting.
> If we have internet access at the meeting (we may not), and if we can
> figure out any technical issues, we're going to try another Google+ Hangout
> with this meeting. Those of you with G+ accounts who have the Debatable
> Lands Community (
> https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/108302974331855920561) in their
> circles can see the invite to the hangout.
> If you don't have a G+ account, or prefer not to join the hangout (or
> we've reached our limit), you should be able to watch the meeting via
> youtube.com at this link:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_QwzP_LptJQ
> Probably. Let's see what happens!

' |   Broom        IAmBroom @ gmail . com
' |   cellphone:             412-389-1997
' |   923 Haslage Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
'\|/  "Discere et docere", which means:
'/|\  "Swift had it all wrong. The poor are scrawny, malnourished, and
//|\\ stringy. Eat the rich!"
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