[SCA-BMDL] Yesterday's Thrown Weapons Practice

Elss_of_Augsburg elss_of_augsburg at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 16 10:37:58 EDT 2013

Glorious Barony!

What a great thrown weapons practice we had this Sunday! Many many people came out, including a cadre from CMU that had to be pulled away from the range! Also joining us were LOTS of children who did very, very well and not just at following the rules, listening to the marshal, and being safe, but also at hitting the target: I am posting for 6 year old Ian a royal round of 21! (insert Kermit screaming wildly here: YAAAAY!!!!)

I believe Medodia, Hanse, and I taught at least 10 new people on axes, knives, and spears, and thanks to Sumayya for helping improve one spear thrower's stance -- she was hitting the target an average of 3 out of 4 times at the end of the day! 

We had three hard targets and one spear target -- next week we will bring more hard targets, because the wait was too long to get back onto the range. And we will start recording royal rounds for spears in addition to axes/knives as usual.

The competition for Barony champion will be run at Archers to the Wald, watch for more info, and keep practicing!

Many thanks to Melodia, Hanse, and especially Andros, who stepped up to run the range without being asked when he saw how busy we were.

Let's do this again next week, OK?!?


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